Things I’m Loving Friday #1

Happy New Year!  It’s only Day 2 of 2015, but I’m already feeling the hope, change, & excitement of the upcoming year.  One of my hugest unofficial New Year’s Resolutions is to BLOG MORE!!  Long before I started TPTing , I LOVED reading blogs so much that I decided to create my own.  This poor little piece of my world needs some TLC!  So, like many seasoned bloggers, I adding some structure to my post and beginning my first weekly series.  Things I’m Loving Friday!  My love of blogging came from reading Peanut Butter Fingers– a health, fitness, and fun blog.  I look forward to this post every Friday and am going to give it a go myself.  So, here goes!

1)  Living Room Yoga – I have really gotten out of my yoga habit since school started and I have missed it so much!!  I’ve been running, but my body has missed the stretching and strengthening.  So, I decided to bring the yoga to my living room!  I found a 22 minute class On Demand & cranked up some Lorde radio.  I am not impressed with the yoga series, but I just needed a guide to remind me of my regular routine.  This will do until I can get my behind into the studio!  My favorite part of living room yoga is this guy:

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This brings a whole new meaning to downward dog! Or is this puppy pose? Smile

2)  Persevering with a Book! –I began reading this book, So Much Pretty by Cara Hoffman way too long ago.  I was so distracted by school and she was a new author.  I get stuck on the same authors and find it hard to venture out.  I am a creature of habit.  Her writing is a little too high level after a full day of teaching 10 year olds Smile  So, I put it down and picked it back up for too long and too many times.  As a result, it felt like nothing was  happening.  Well, lo and behold, it did pick up and was really good!  There were so many small meaningful details that I had to piece back through the novel to pick up all the little parts I missed when I thought nothing was happening! Smile

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3)  New Year’s Eve House Parties!-  Ryan, Titan, and I had such a cozy New Year’s Eve.  Don’t let them fool you! They LOVE their hats!  My two studs!

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4) Contact Lens Case Drying Mat-  (or washcloths) This is probably the best $2.99 (each) I’ve spent all month!  I found two of these washcloths at Ross on New Year’s Day and had to buy them.   I love the gray stripes and blue polka dots design.  If they had a whole towel set, I definitely would have bought it! But I will settle for the “Contact Lens Case Drying Mat.” Smile

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5)  Bookagram- I am so excited about one of my newest products on Teachers Pay Teachers!  It is a social media style Book Recommendation for students after they finish a book.  I cannot wait to share with my 4th Graders on Tuesday! They are going to LOVE it! I need to make a Bookagram for the display area in my classroom! Once I figure that out I’ll be sure to post classroom pics!  If you are interested in this product, please click here.


Well, there it is folks! I would love to hear what you are loving this Friday.  If you are a teacher, there is the unspoken obvious one- having the past 2 weeks off!!! WOOHOO! I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!! Smile


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